
20.02.25: Workshop to knowledge modeling

All people involved in the CRC came together for a knowledge modeling workshop. The relevance for knowledge modeling was worked out for every subproject. The goal is to build up a joint knowledge base using ontologies and the data platform Kadi4mat. 

28.01.25: Excursion to Deutz in Ulm

Excursion to Deutz Plant in Ulm. Here, used motors are reworked. Exciting to see remanufacturing in industrial practice!


22.01.25: Angle Grinder Workshop

Getting to know the angle grinder as the demonstrator product of our CRC


14.01.-16.01.25: CRC Winter-School

Two days of training and workshops followed by a day of guest lectures (Prof. Allwood - Cambridge, Prof. Hüttl-Maack - Hohenheim, Prof. Rashid - KTH and Prof. Sundin - Linköping) and a doctoral colloquium.

Linkedin-Link 1

Linkedin-Link 2

09.12.24: Visit of ZKM Karlsruhe in the Circular Factory

Visit of the "Zentrum für Kunst und Medien" (ZKM) in the Circular Factory. Coordinated by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Barbara Deml, possible collaboration in public relations was discussed.

07.11.24: First meeting of the industry advisory board of the CRC Circular Factory

Visit by representatives of industrial companies with a sustainability focus


06.11.24: Karlsruher Herbsttagung 2024 - Circular Production – Paving the way for a Sustainable Future

Presentation of the CRC 1574 by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gisela Lanza and Prof. Dr.-Ing Sven Matthiesen


18.10.24: Conrad-Matschoß-Kreis

Presentation of the CRC 1574 by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gisela Lanza


15.10.-16.10.24: Produktionsmanagement-Tagung

Presentation of the CRC 1574 by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gisela Lanza


07.10.-08.10.24: Summit Allgäu Produktion

Presentation of the CRC 1574 by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gisela Lanza


17.09.24: Visit of Politicians in the circular factory

Visit of Ingo Wellenreuther (MdB), Nicolas Zippelius (MdB) and Ansgar Mayr (MdL)


25.07.24: Visit of the KIT-Business-Club in the circular factory

Visit of representatives of industry partners of the KIT in the circular factory


11.07.24: Career evening for women

Career evening for women pursuing a technical degree with interest for a doctoral program

08.07.-12.07.24: Summer School with General Assembly

Five days packed with scientific discussion, guest lectures, team building and workshops


20.06.24: CRC Hackathon

Hackathon with students, financially supported by the CRC


07.06.24: Visit of University of Strahclyde (Prof. Ijomah and Prof. Maier)

Keynote by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gisela Lanza 


June 2024: Visit of Supply Chain AI Lab (Cambridge University)

Keynote by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gisela Lanza with the title "Maximizing the Resource Efficiency for a Value-Adding Sustainability"


14.05.24: Visit of Deutz in the circular factory

Visit of representatives of the management of Deutz plant in Ulm in the circular factory


29.04.24-30.04.24: Retreat and CRC Workshops

First team event with workshops for research in the CRC

25.04.24: Girls Day

Tour through the Circular Factory with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gisela Lanza and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frederik Zanger for girls with interest in a technical degree.

22.04.-26.04.24: The CRC Circular Factory at the Hannover Fair

Presentation of the prototype hardware stations


11.04.24: Filming of ZDF TV report

Visit of a film crew for filming a TV report in the circular factory

Link to report

03.04.24: Hager Group visit in the circular factory

Visit of Sabine Busse (CEO)


12.03-13.03.24: World Remanufacturing Summit

Presentation of the CRC 1574 by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gisela Lanza



Press releases

ZDF heute journal - TV Report

3sat NANO - TV Report

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - Vision of the perpetual innovative product

‘On the way to the perpetual innovative product’ – The ‘Circular factory’ collaborative research centre at the KIT is revolutionizing industrial production

IndustryArena - The circular factory - the perpetual innovative product

Circular Technology - The perpetual innovative product from the circular factory

IDW - KIT: Vision of the perpetual innovative product: The circular factory is set to revolutionize production

PublicManager - KIT: Vision of the perpetual innovative product: The circular factory is set to revolutionize production

Plastverarbeiter - KIT wants to optimize circular processes with a circular factory

Explortal-Logistics - Vision of the perpetual innovative product: The circular factory is set to revolutionize production - Vision of the perpetual innovative product: The circular factory is set to revolutionize production

Ingenieurmagazin - Development of a circular factory

Recyclingportal - Vision of the perpetual innovative product: The circular factory is set to revolutionize production - The circular factory makes us dream of the eternal innovative product

Solarify - Vision of the perpetual innovative product: The circular factory is set to revolutionize production

QZ-Online - Circular Factory for the perpetual innovative product

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - Vision of the perpetual innovative product

Home of Welding - Circular Factory is set to revolutionize production

Alphagalileo - Vision of the perpetual innovative product: The circular factory is set to revolutionize production

Pro-physik - The circular factory for the perpetual innovative product

Oiger - Circular factory is set to produce the "perpetual innovative" product

Staatsanzeiger - Researchers are working on the vision of the perpetual innovative product

Bioökonomie BW - Vision of the perpetual innovative product: The circular factory is set to revolutionize production

Kabinett - KIT: Vision of the perpetual innovative product: The circular factory is set to revolutionize production

Flüssiges Obst - Vision of the perpetual innovative product: The circular factory is set to revolutionize production

Greentech LIVE - KIT works on the circular factory for the "perpetual innovative product"