Central Administrative Project

The subproject Z serves provides the general organization, management and administration of the proposed Collaborative Research Center. For this purpose, an administrative office will be established. For the cooperation of the individual subprojects, a coordinated management and organization of the project work and administration of the joint funds is necessary. In addition, the task of the subproject is to communicate with the DFG and the KIT as well as the FhG-IOSB administration, the administration of the HS Aalen and the University of Stuttgart.

Principal Investigators

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gisela Lanza

Prof. Lanza is the speaker of the CRC 1574.

Vessela Badeva-Knoblauch

Vessela Badeva-Knoblauch is the financial managing director of the CRC 1574

Dr.-Ing. Jan-Philipp Kaiser

Jan-Philipp Kaiser is the scientific managing director of the CRC 1574